Talking to People Who Think Differently than Me

The times are changing. 

It's time to adapt.

People who know me may have noticed that I've changed my online behavior  in the last few years. I stopped posting my political opinions online. I think many of you have done the same. It is important to continue holding open discussions, but I no longer think that social media is the right place to do it. Research seems to support this idea too.

So, how then, do we engage in productive conversations across the political divide that connect us, rather than increasing the polarization problem?

If you want to be part of the solution to this problem, read on...

The secret seems to be, in making connections to real live humans that we come in contact with! 

Family, Students, Neighbors, Acquaintances, Community Members

(Real people, in the flesh, not anonymous social media contacts.)

So how do we do that, without starting an ugly scene?

Just a few tips to relate to others who think differently:

  1. Explain that your point is to discuss, not debate- No winners or losers in this conversation, just trying to find common ground.
  2. Listen to understand, not to plan your points of discussion.
  3. Find at least one common point you can empathize with them on.
  4. Before you speak, acknowledge and restate the main points they are trying to make, to help the other speaker know that you understand them. (No sarcasm needed. Sincerity matters.)
  5. Ask the speaker if they are open to hearing your views. (If they aren't open to this, it would not be helpful to share and you can exit the conversation here.)
  6. Tell the speaker your experiences that support your point of view. 
  7. If the speaker is not open to continuing the conversation, you can exit, but if they are willing to continue, then continue steps 1-7.
  8. The goal is to end the conversation on a high note, finding at least one thing you can agree on or finding something you have in common. 

This may seem scary and confusing, but there are so many resources to help!

One blog post is not enough to tell you all of the success strategies, so 

check out this Resource Collection for some great ideas and tools! 

Thanks for Reading

Betty Nordengren




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